Three Peaks Challenge Registrations

Ordinary Living

We are a group of friends and family of Stephen Turner that are completing the gruelling National Three Peaks Challenge in October this year and raising funds for Devon Air Ambulance, Bude Community First Responders and the Intensive Care Unit at Exeter's RD&E. Why you ask?? Well here is a brief story for you.... Steve's heart is at the centre of Ordinary Living Ltd, over the past 25 years he has put his heart and soul into supporting and looking after adults with learning difficulties and autism to live as independently as they possibly can. Not only has Steve put everything he has into the business, but he has always gone out of his way to support and help his staff, family and friends outside of the business too. He truly is a very special person to many with a huge heart and is loved by so many. A man that puts others first and would do anything for anyone. In 2023 Steve had health issues, which led to the terrible night on New Years Eve 2023 of which we was informed of Steve being in a life threatening condition after suffering a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Steve was initially treated by a Community First Responder from Bude, shortly followed by paramedics. Steve was then flown straight to the Exeter's RD&E by the Devon Air Ambulance where he received critical care with every second counting and the ongoing critical care continued. We as a team are on such a challenge as a humble "thank you" will never be enough for what they all did. Our fundraising efforts will be a small contribution to what they did and help to raise funds to help save other people's lives and feel thankful like we all do now. Not forgetting other services and staff involved. Any of us or any of our loved ones could find ourselves in the unfortunate and terrifying circumstances of needing these services. For us all taking on and helping with the challenge and Steve's family and friends we feel truly grateful for all involved in saving his life and many others. We ask if you have anything spare to help us not only show our gratitude but to raise vital funds for these amazing services. We all promise to give this challenge our everything, just like Steve and his family are trying to on his road to recovery. Although there is so many more thanks and services we could raise money too, these 3 services were at the upmost importance and time critical, Steve would not be with us today if they hadn't put their all in.

Fundraising page

Fundraising for Devon Air Ambulance, Bude Community Responders, Intensive unit @ Exeter RD&E

Charity website

Challenge registration number: 275727


About the ​National Three Peaks Challenge

The National Three Peaks Challenge takes in the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales, often in 24 hours.


  • Carl Jenkins
  • Scott Tremayne
  • Brittani Adams
  • Sam Jenkins
  • Jodie Bowman
  • Kat Boreham
  • Samantha Molloy
  • Lucas Turner
  • Kirstie Patterson
  • Joe Smith