Three Peaks Challenge Registrations

Contact Us

We cannot respond individually regarding records times, rules, or suggested new record categories. Please see the supplimental notes within the records pages for these details.

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I record my time?

    Go to Manage Your Registration and log in (or create an account if you don't already have one). Select your registration and confirm your start and finish times. Your entry will be updated and details reviewed, and your certificates will then be printed and posted.

  • What evidence is required to record a time?

    If possible, and especially for fast times (-9 hours for Yorkshire, -21 hours for National) use a phone app or GPS to track your route. A phone app like Strava or MapMyRun is ideal. You can submit this afterwards to prove your time.

  • When will my certificates arrive?

    Once you have recorded your time and details, certificates will normally be printed and posted with 3 business days. Please contact us if they haven't arrived within a week (overseas postage will take longer).