I'm a semi-experienced climber of average fitness and am completing the challenge to raise money in aid of Crohn's and Colitis UK (NACC). I have Crohn's myself but have reached a good level of health and wish to celebrate by helping others in a similar condition.
Fundraising pageCrohn's and Colitis UK aims to improve life for everyone affected by Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). They help supporting sufferers, but also commission some research into particular aspects of IBD to develop a better understanding of these conditions and how they can be treated. For more information why I have chosen this charity, please see my website. <a href="http://jpw909.wix.com/climbing-for-crohns" rel="external" target="_Blank">Jessica's website.</a>
Charity website23 hours and 30 minutes
The National Three Peaks Challenge takes in the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales, often in 24 hours.